Eng. Noha Nael: “Yes, construction can be sustainable…”
CHAPTER ZERO EGYPT hosted the Green Construction & Sustainability webinar, featuring Eng.
Noha Nael, the Chief Business Development and Sustainability Officer at REDCON
Construction, tackling sustainable construction and the effect of sustainability on the sector from
financial and economic perspectives.
Nael kicked off the webinar with an introduction of the Company and its achievements in Egypt,
as well as its new journey in the KSA and its efforts in sustainable construction since 2008 as one
of the pioneers in the sustainability field.
She stressed that the sector is responsible for 40% of waste across the globe and that utilizing
materials and products that require less consumption of natural resources while increasing their
reusability for the same or similar purposes, contributes to sustainable practices and enhances
the resilience of the industry as well as energy efficiency and automation, noting that this
decreases energy usage significantly while at the same time saving on water usage and
conserving the resource albeit recycling used water.
Nael encouraged members and participants in the webinar to develop sustainable strategies in a
bid to grow their operations underlining that such practices contribute to decreasing costs and
enhancing profitability, while also inviting them to delve into other topics such as Risk Mitigation,
Time Efficiency, Cost efficiency, approved submittals and resource optimization.
Chapter Zero Egypt is the first in Africa & the Middle East and the 27th of the Climate Governance
Initiative’s global network to promote the adoption of the Principles for Effective Climate
Governance published by the WEF in 2019. Its launch was supported by the EBRD to equip Board
members with skills and knowledge to make addressing climate change a boardroom priority and
provides a platform for dialogue, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration among business leaders
to drive sustainable growth in the face of evolving environmental challenges.
Seminars and webinars held by Chapter Zero Egypt are announced on the website and more information
on upcoming events and membership application, can be found by visiting http://chapterzeroegypt.org
Follow us on social media: For more information about upcoming events and membership,
please visit Chapter Zero Egypt or follow us on LinkedIn.